
Podcast: Vision & Voice - Women in Cybersecurity | SafeGuard Cyber

Written by Vision & Voice | Jul 7, 2021 2:15:00 PM

As women consider pursuing careers in cybersecurity, they often don’t see the industry as a viable option due to a number of concerning factors. Low representation, a lack of female role models, stereotyping, and pay gaps all contribute to the perception, and reality, that the cybersecurity playing field is far from equitably balanced.

On June 30th, SafeGuard Cyber hosted a leadership panel called, "Vision & Voice: Removing Barriers for Women in Cybersecurity." It was so well attended, that we wanted to make it available to a wider audience. This conversation featured insights from women cyber leaders Naomi Buckwalter, Amy De Salvatore, and Evelyn de Souza.

They shared their perspectives on how a new generation of women can enter the industry, remove barriers, and achieve lofty career heights as cybersecurity professionals and executives. The panel also featured Lisa Hayashi and Karen Kukoda from SafeGuard Cyber. Don't forget to join our community, Vision & Voice: Women in Cybersecurity LinkedIn Group.




Naomi Buckwalter
vCISO/Dir. of Information Security
Amy De Salvatore
VP, Alliances
NightDragon Security

Evelyn de Souza
Trust, Privacy and Compliance Leader
Lisa Hayashi
SVP, Marketing
SafeGuard Cyber
Karen Kukoda
VP, Partnerships
SafeGuard Cyber